The specific moment in which our country is living, when measured against the fundamental goal of a stable and long-term economic recovery after decades of stagnation or worse, and the arrival of the PNRR funds, which will be added to the ordinary funds of the state budget and European funds, impose a profound reflection on the capacity for risk governance on the part of institutions and economic operators who are responsible for it. 

Indeed, there is a great chance that such a large amount of funding will be compromised by organized crime, fraud, and speculation. 

This risk can be reduced, if not eliminated entirely, by a specific regulatory framework that allows for a series of control and monitoring activities, as well as the ‘intelligent’ use of the vast amount of data available from the various institutional and economic operators who participate in various capacities in the evaluation or verification processes. 

The main topics of discussion will be: 

  • Effects of the NRRP on risk management by Institutions and Companies;
  • New organizational and corporate governance models;
  • Corporate risk perimeters and possible partnerships;
  • Cyber intelligence and protection of corporate assets;
  • Data management;
  • Supporting technologies.


Vittorio Rizzi
Deputy Chief, Polizia di Stato

Marcello Grosso
Head of Sustainable Development Risk and Compliance, Gruppo Poste

Francesco Ceccarelli
Security Director, ENEL

Mariano Satriano
Chief Executive Officer, S&A S.p.A.

Fabian Mazza
Senior Director Global Head of Government, BVD

Claudio Clemente
Director UIF, Banca d’Italia

Stefano Tomasini
Central Director, INAIL


Emanuele Bevilacqua
Director, Fortune Italia