Social Media Analysis

Falco provides access from a single dashboard to all public information entered by users in today’s social media platforms. Accessing, searching, and exploring this information is made feasible by sophisticated and robust approaches such as Visual Analysis and Extensional Navigation, which make it simple to detect social networks and individual interactions. Direct relationships that persist between two profiles (such as “friendship” in Facebook or “followers” in Instagram) and indirect ones obtained through the addition of “likes” or comments to posts on other profiles, as well as membership in the same groups, are quickly highlighted in the act of visualizing social networks.

Synergy and integration of several sources

The software enables the integration of data from any source, not just social, allowing information from social networks to be correlated in the same environment as that handled by other S&A products: chamber of commerce databases, cadastral databases, telephone records, reputational databases, data extracted from devices, and internal data sources.

Social profiles used & Audit

The software allows you to operate for particular cases/investigations and for various users, as well as associate consultable socials with numerous saved credentials with each of them. At the same time, it gives the activity manager both capillary control over subordinates' activities and the ability to distinguish degrees of operation among various users, allowing for more or fewer sources for each.

Smart Search and ID Search

Smart search allows for vast and timely searches to be performed in a quick and automated manner (e.g., using semantic layers) while preserving great precision and depth by tracking down profiles of interest by professional field, area, or topic covered. In other words, Smart Search differs from the search for specific profiles by implementing a search by scope through which all profiles that meet certain conditions (nationality, profession, interests, ...) the ID Search allows for progressive searches beginning with files containing profiles that have already been verified, saved, and associated by the analyst with people of interest. Analysts may use this feature to save all social profiles that can be connected back to individuals, allowing them to do complicated studies fast across all socials and for each social for each profile that can be tracked back to the individual.

Falco and Visual Analysis

One of the most significant advantages is the incorporation of visual analysis modules into the software, such as i2 Analyst's Notebook, which allows not only a more effective depiction of topics and relationships than the tabular view, but also the use of all the analytical tools in it. This makes it simple to rebuild networks of interactions between entities of interest, discover previously unknown direct linkages between targets, and weight entities based on their relationships.