Research and Development

Research & Development

S&A’s primary objective is Research and Innovation aimed at creating new analysis IT products and solutions, capable of guaranteeing full satisfaction of the current needs of its customers, trying to anticipate future operating scenarios.

For this reason, over the years it has developed close collaborations with authoritative research institutions at a national level.

Among the main research projects, particular attention has been paid to the design of software systems and hardware architectures for the analysis of large network models that allow predicting the probable course of events.

S&A, in support of its research activity, allocates approximately 20% of its revenues to R&D.

For many years S&A has been involved in the design of software systems intended to support our customers in information analysis and info-investigation activities.

The S&A R&D team has designed software solutions deeply rooted in everyday life analysis, reconciling on the one hand the technological trends characteristic of the Security sector and on the other the evidence and indications coming from the multiplicity of users which constitutes a precious basin for S&A of needs.

S&A supports cooperation between its researchers and academic circles. Various collaborations in this sense were born with Italian universities, including the Department of Computer Sciences, Automation and Engineering "Antonio Ruberti" of the La Sapienza University of Rome, such as research institutions.

Constant attention to the customer and the desire to offer increasingly innovative products are a continuous stimulus for the R&D team of S&A.

The continuous research by the S&A team involves various disciplines and does not exclude innovative approaches that can lead to the entry of products that can be used in different market areas.

S&A supports those who want to undertake new studies and appreciate every new idea. This is the case of those who have attended a PhD or have carried out their degree thesis within the company.

S&A aims at continuous growth and training of its R&D team, offering highly specialized courses and meetings throughout the year. In this way we promote participation, involvement, and the exchange of ideas between R&D and Production.

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“Il nostro intero lavoro si basa sulla convinzione fondamentale per cui – mentre i prodotti e le soluzioni software restano strumenti potentissimi ed imprescindibili – le indagini sono guidate dalle persone, dalla loro intelligenza, intuizione ed esperienza. La potenza e l’interattività delle soluzioni Intel IT ci consentono di avvicinare ancora di più i nostri utenti alla loro visione dei dati, guidando indagini di successo.”

Pierangelo Satriano

(Presidente, Sistemi & Automazione SpA)