Human resources make the difference at S&A. Our twenty years of experience in planning and teaching is aimed at responding to the needs of a knowledge-based society: continuous training and updating of personnel skills in technologically advanced fields guarantees constant individual professional growth of the participants in which we firmly believe. Our concept of training is aimed at improving the level of qualification and professional development of the people who work, ensuring both public and private organizations and operators’ competitive capacity and therefore adaptability to technological and organizational changes to be always successful on the market.
As professionals external to organizations, we value corporate experiences by transferring our expertise in a systematic and targeted way. The intent is to motivate and enhance the performance of the working groups, optimizing time and resources, process, and quality. Our idea of consultancy always responds to the need to tangibly improve the performance of our clients, according to high professional standards, supporting them in the most important challenges, always seizing and offering opportunities for individual and collective growth.
Our consultancy line, in addition to providing its knowledge with special meetings to collect the requirements and suggestions of the Customers, also organizes and carries out a series of specific meetings aimed precisely at those who have already attended the training courses, at the purpose of not dispersing the know-how. These meetings are held on a regular basis, and their articulation is defined, from time to time, based on the specific needs identified by the training team in collaboration with our users. The aim is to further investigate the application of methods on the use and customization of the analysis functions. All of this aims to enhance the value of collaboration between professionals, encourage the exchange of experiences, improve analytical skills through comparison with other realities, different fields of investigation and immediate practical application, because our goal remains to transform complexity when improvement and innovation for the business of our customers.
We offer our customers support and advice on analysis topics and related processes, as well as on information analysis products and methodologies.
The objective of our Consulting services is to offer public and private Organizations specialist support in the implementation of policies relating to Security, with reference to:
Investigative activities, Anti-fraud, Anti-corruption, Audit, Corporate protection, Purchases, KYC.
Furthermore, a specific consultancy activity concerns cyber-intelligence markedly in support of the operations of the Law Enforcement.
Our offer is carefully built, thanks to years of experience in the sector, to teach concepts, methodologies and tools that are necessary for the achievement; it stimulate changes in the structure of experience to obtain from people behaviors in harmony with their own objectives and with the system to which they belong, to counteract criminal events in various fields. To support the structures with respect to the need for skills and encourage the improvement of outputs, the training interventions are designed considering the training needs of each individual customer: we do not deliver massive courses in the catalogue, but we carefully dedicate ourselves to customizing each solution for each type of necessity. In this sense, ad hoc training projects have been developed, and tools and methodologies have been used that are consistent with the real needs of each customer.
The courses, in the twenty years of activity, have had the main purpose of providing the analytical, IT and above all methodological tools to understand complex phenomena. The educational project was aimed at personnel capable of managing analysis processes with preventive and repressive purposes, but also training and updating specialists in the analysis of complex social networks.
We also pursue the objective of contributing to specialization in the field of modern investigative and analysis techniques, through case studies and the learning of new operating methods for the use of tools aimed at criminal investigation, even unconventional and emerging. During the courses, exercises and case studies of real episodes are proposed, from fraud in tenders, to company analyses, from telephone traffic analysis to analysis of social networks and banking operations, etc.
Courses with a high methodological content are designed and delivered for the High School of Police and for the ISTI of the Carabinieri Corps.
Some data can help define the outlines of the Training Service:
Most learners belong to the Security sector and the Law Enforcements.
A smaller, but still significant, percentage of learners belongs to the public (Institutions/Ministries) and private (Companies, Banks and Industry) sectors.
“Il nostro intero lavoro si basa sulla convinzione fondamentale per cui – mentre i prodotti e le soluzioni software restano strumenti potentissimi ed imprescindibili – le indagini sono guidate dalle persone, dalla loro intelligenza, intuizione ed esperienza. La potenza e l’interattività delle soluzioni Intel IT ci consentono di avvicinare ancora di più i nostri utenti alla loro visione dei dati, guidando indagini di successo.”
Pierangelo Satriano
(Presidente, Sistemi & Automazione SpA)